
Reporting the details of troubling cases is one way to help develop solutions that will better serve vulnerable families and children who become involved in our court system in the future.

If you have experienced a situation with legal professionals that did not make any sense, one that may have left your children and family weaker and more traumatized than before entering into a legal process, please use this form below to report the issues. This form may also be used if you know of a family that has been harmed in litigation and would like to share your concerns.

To request the longer form that does a deeper dive into certain aspects of child custody litigation and may take up to ten minutes to complete, please check the option at the bottom of the form that states your preference to use your case to make a difference. If that option is chosen, we will respond to gather more information. Thank you for being willing to report this challenging situation. We value your privacy and the security of your family, so we will be glad to discuss the management of records and data as needed.